sábado, 18 de junho de 2011

Tips to find job as an Actor abroad

To answer to an Announcement of periodical Job It learns to answer correctamente to an announcement of periodical job, captivates the employer to grant an interview to it.
To create a Vitae Curriculum European Model It takes note of some basic tips in the elaboration of a Vitae Curriculum European Model.
To create a Vitae Curriculum in Video It takes note of some basic tips in the elaboration of a Vitae Curriculum in Video. It surprises the employer for the creativity and modernity.
Spontaneous candidacy The spontaneous Candidacy is a solution adoptee parallel to the reply to the periodical announcements, Internet or of the Center of Job. It learns some techniques adoptees in this type of candidacy.
Temporary work as a temporary solution The crisis installed in Portugal and the entire world, takes the companies to opt to workers in regimen of temporary work abdicating of the contractos the long term.

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